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Apartments to rent


The Résidence Dalphin offers a choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 room furnished apartments to rent.

All have been recently renovated and comply with environmental standards.

salle de bain residence dalphin
chambre residence dalphin vue ensemble

Prices & conditions

PRICE PER MONTH. Charges included (water, electricity, heating)

  • From CHF 1,950/month

  • High-speed internet connection and satellite TV included


  • All our studios are designed for a maximum occupancy of two people.

  • Pets are not accepted in our residences.

  • Our rentals are based on a minimum stay of two consecutive months, either from the 1st to the 30/31th or from the 16th to the 15th of each month.

  • One month's notice of departure, for the 30/31 or the 15th of the following month.

Would you like to know more about our apartments?

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